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Rwenzori child care initiative organization is aimed at facilitating children family of Ruboni (Opharns, disabled and the needy children) in schollastic materials, part payment of the fees and counselling services through music and crafts. Rwenzori child care intiative organization started children family in 2012. The children family was developed with the local effort of the RCCIO members. Currently the children family of Ruboni has 25 children ranging from 3-15years where 13 are girls and 12 are boys.
It is this center that will be further developed by providing more facilities, equipments and staff to be able to facilitate local knowledge transfer, improving the standard living of children (Opharns, disabled and the needy) and income improvement to the community and development purposes through craft making.

RCCIO is located in Ruboni village Ibanda parish Bugoye sub-county kasese district western Uganda in the foot hills of Rwenzori mountain national park.
Since it was started in 2012, this center is being used as a meeting center for the children and training place for the bakonjo traditional dances.
After RCCIO has demostrated a high level of commitment and involvement in child care management isues, RCCIO perttened with

M-LISADA( opharnage centre in nsambya-kampala, Ruboni community conservation development programme and kasese district local government as a community based organization will provide support to up lift the activities of RCCIO in child care management in the communities of respective villages, Ruboni, Mihunga, Kinyuku and Nyakabugh


In the recent past, 1996 to 2001, this area was targeted by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), which led to loss of lives and livelihood, increasing poverty among the community. Many families were forced to abandon their lands to live in the refugee camps during the insurgency. At present most families have abandoned their lands and are struggling to start a new life. Recently, the situation has settled and there is need to resettle such homes/ families living in conditions of no land, income,Education and other basic needs. 

The Bakonzo society remains patriarchal, with clearly defined roles for men and women.  In the past, this was successful as a division of labour, but since improvements in technology (especially in house-building) have benefited men not women, gender inequality is obvious.  The community organization of Rwenzori child care initiative organization currently has volunteers who are both men and women. This however has not enabled Rwenzori child care initiative support to reach both parties moderately since the organization has just started and as a new concept in the area it is designed to be in small numbers and eco-friendly so we don’t expect it to provide employment to the locals massively.
This project enables the community to consider education useful and embark on education friendly activities that will contribute more to the improved standards of living through community awareness on education other than charcoal burning and hunting or sale of wild mammals and reptiles such as chameleons and snakes as it has been considered as a way of improving their standards of living. 
We intend to use this organization as a way of fighting poverty, unemployment and promote sustainable use of educational among the orphans, disabled and needy children  and increase the saving culture among the members of the community. 
Problem statement 

With the politial situation, increased population and other social problems Rwenzori child care initiative organization and other villages bordering Rwenzori mountains national park are facing the following problems:-

1.Low incomes and unemployment on household level. This has resulted in financial and food insecurity on most of the homes. The area is faced by Economic defencelessness due to low investment at local households’ level. 
2. Increased levels of school drop outs due to inaccessibility to education facilities because some people loose their life in the war and the number of orphans increases. 
3.In access to financial resources like loans. This has resulted into increased level of illiteracy in the area due to the vicious circle of poverty resulting from low capital leading to low income, leading to low production, leading to low investment and thus lack of school fees for their children. 
4.Low saving culture among the members of the community. This results into misuse of financial resources and thus consistent poverty and low production in the agricultural sector. 
5. Due to the increase in population coming together in the refuge camp most of the people got affected with HIV/AIDS leading to have children living with the virius.

6.Child denial especially the orphans and the needy children
This organization is proposed to equip the local households with skills that will enable them to increase and improve on their income generating activities without degrading the value of the natural environment using the very poor methods of increasing on their incomes.
Secondly the organization is proposing to carry out sensitization programmes that will be aimed and educating the community members on the importance of education and  Children rights at the grass root level.


Rwenzori child care initiative organization has established the community sensitization programs on child labour recruitment and community trainings to address the above problems facing the local people in the area

"To improve the social and economic welfare of the orphans, needy and the disabled children to transform communities"

"To be a leading child care initiator that creates self-esteem among the needy, disabled and the orphan children for community empowerment."  

1.Sensitization and mobilization of community members on education resources
2.Promote literacy among the children(orphans,disabled and needy)
3.Collective conservation practice sessions on community level.
4.Promoting culture (traditional dances and crafts making)
5.Promoting children rights
6.To equipe and establish school library
7.Trainings and mobilization
8.Games and sports 

Ruboni village, Ibanda parish, Bugoye sub-county, kasese district, western Uganda.

•Fully mobilization of community members on the educatioopportunitiesandwise use of resources.
• A community environmental conservation and resource mobilisation group.
• 50 students sponsored and trained in reading and writing skills
•Community awareness on poverty eradication 
•Establishment of a buffer zone in the education sector
During the operation of this organization we anticipate that these will be the benefits achieved to the community and the environment.
•Children health and improved reading and writing skills.
•To have awell stocked craft shop and active traditional dance group.
•Improved standards of living.
•Increased level of school going students and reduction of illiteracy in the area.
•Increased community awareness on the needs of the environment and collaboration with the park.
•High education yields.
•Reduce on the number of early marriage among the youth hence the number of needy children will decrease.


(Executive Director)

P.O. BOX. 320 kasese Uganda
Telephone: +256775159837/256752613220

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